Westward Ho !
Westward Ho ! is probably one of the best kite spots in Devon if not the whole UK. Its huge sandy beach is a perfect location for flying small kites on the land and has the added bonus for being one off the only beaches you can kite landboard on in the area. For actual kitesurfing it is fantastic for beginners to pros alike.
Tides: -
The main drawback to Westward ho! is that the beach is fully tidal as the water comes all the way up onto the rocks at the top. So not kiting 2 hours either side of high tide.
Wind directions: -
A westerly wind is dead on shore, this is great for beginners.
Northerly winds work for a nice cross shore session
South west again provides a cross shore wind but can be a bit gusty due to the headland. Worth heading over to Saunton in these conditions.
All other directions are off shore so no kiteing in these conditions.
Other useful info:
Drive time from Exeter - 1:15
Parking is free during the winter
In the summer/ Spring / Early autumn kitieing is restricted to the right of the lifeguard hut.