Exmouth - Sea front
Exmouth Sea front is fun, the swimming area can provide some nice flat water and wave can be found further out. Due to the strong tides it’s a bit more of an advanced spot.
Tides: -
The sea front is hugely tidal, around 7 knots and therefore the best times to kite are an hour or two either side of slack water. At low tide a nice shallow flat water spot opens up in the swimming area, although this is only really kitable in the winter due to bathers in the summer.
Wind directions: -
A southerly wind is cross on heading up the channel
A south easterly is pretty much cross shore heading up the channel
A south westerly is dead on shore
A westerly is cross on heading out of the channel. This combined with an outgoing tide can be fairly sketchy as you can easily get swept out to sea.
Launching and Landing:
The launching zone is located by the dunes/ volleyball nets half way down the beach. The beach can get quite busy with walkers even during the winter so careful with launching and landing.
Other useful info:
Drive time from Exeter - 30 mins
Train - 30 mins