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Legacy Page


Sam Evans


Dan Lytton

At the end of the 2012-13 academic year, Exeter University Windsurf Club and Exeter University Kitesurf & Wakeboard Club merged to form Windriders. Sam Evans & Joash Clarkson from EUKW(WWW) and Dan Lytton & Rachael Ince from EUWC formed the new club with huge success. Under the watchful eye of Joash Clarkson, the first year saw over 150 members join with a vast array of trips in all 3 sports. The following year, under another Clarkson reign, the club had over 230 members with even more trips and huge increase in participation levels. 


We are now in the hands of the 2015-16 committee and look forward to welcoming all of our members back in September along with a load of fresh faces to continue to grow and improve as a club. 


More importantly however, see below...

Mythical Creature

Ross Browne

/rəʊʃ braʊn/

It is sad to think that most people now will not know who or what Ross Browne is. He is the legacy of Windriders. With mystical hair, incredible bulking abilities and being probably the nicest bloke in the world, we want to make sure he lives on in Windriders history and tradition...


Joash Clarkson


Rachael Ince

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