After a month of having to put up with the sorry excuses for facial hair being supported by some of our members it is finally over ! I will no longer have to stare across the computer room at what looks like an eyebrow perched on top of Ned’s lip, or look in envy Geordies manly mutton chops.
But the struggle has not been in vain our intrepid moustache growers managed to raise £499 (The second highest team on campus, even higher than the official team) pounds for some amazing causes including Prostate cancer, men’s mental health and testicular cancer. Top work guys !
And let’s not forget our lady’s who smashed the Mosisters sports event a few weeks back.
If you somehow missed some of the awful facial hair, here is a rundown of each terrible moustache. I also believe it is not too late to make a cheeky donation ( Can someone please donate £1, £499 messes with my love of order )
#8 Sam Chapman
In at number 8 we have Mr Sam “Smash” chapman supporting this lovely tash and chops combo. Although some have questioned the legitimacy of this facial hair.
#7 Dan “Elbows” Litton
Due to Dan looking seedy at the best of times he was unable to attempt Movemeber, in his place he subbed in “ the dog he found in Greece one summer” a bold strategy.
#6 Andy Curry
A latecomer to the team Andy managed to grow this impressive mop of hair
#5 Dan “Red Bull” Barlow
Red Bull may not give you wings but it certainly looks like it helps with facial hair.
# 4Professor Incredmund 'watch me pass this handle' Von Aufeno-straps ( Ned)
This very seedy moustache is possibly the worst thing I have had the misfortune to see. Extera poit for the fact that it curls at each end.
#3 Billy Parr
A solid attempt at the handlebar moustache, somewhat held back by the fact that Billy has the facial hair growing capacity of a 12 year-old girl
#2 Dan “ I hate Frisbee” Powell
I have no idea where this guy came from, but he is great. Check his inspirational video.
#1 Geordie “I forgot my towel” Baxter
Taking the Number one spot is Mr Baxter with his top effort Chops and tash duet. He even wrote a little poem.
27 days of Movember down, I've endured many a frown, But now this upper lip fluff, Is becoming exceedingly rough.
Each side sits a wiry chop, Accompanied by a dishevelled mop, But on my lip, below my nose, My crumb catcher strikes a pose.
It feels like a chewed tooth-brush, Itches like a girl with thrush, Makes every room quieten to a hush, Let's be honest, it'll never look lush.
So why oh why do men self-inflict this woe? Well a man's moustache is far from his foe. The reason we annually foster a Mo, So that every man may healthily grow.
With only a few days left, any donations would be very gratefully received. Please help support this great cause.