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Early 'civilised' Duckpond session

Matt, Dan L (dangerously dabbling despite proclaiming continued dedication to windsurfing), Dan P, Tara and Ricki left Exeter bright and early at 7:30am for what was supposed to be a civilised exmouth session. Haha oh was it civilised.

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On arriving at the enormous pond we were met by heavy rain and wind ranging from 10 knots to 35 knots; that what one calls ‘gusty.’ After setting up the sky cleared and it was operation ‘lets hope no-one gets killed in the duckpond.’

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After 10 mins Lytton had exploded his kite; 15 mins later he was back on the water causing chaos. Then he went air born - big time - almost landing on the concrete edges of the pond! Despite that he persevered and made epic progress despite the insane wind and choppy water.

Dan P followed and after filling the inside of his kite (yes the inside) with water, went back out and made huge progress! He was riding along with great kite control, an awesome achievement as the wind was not anyones friend that day!

Ricki, with nationals in his mind day and night, was practicing his backrolls which was super brave due to the wind! He even nearly landed one had his board stayed on his feet!

Tara also had a great session despite showing 4 guys up on her larger 8m kite; which took 3 of us to work out how to set up!!

Matt was unusually out on the water as well. In-between angry shouting at the wind I think he had fun!

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Dan Lytton came in and changed to his trusty windsurfer for a quick session on his new Flare 101 windsurf board, kindly given to him by Tushingham a few weeks ago. But the cold set in and lectures were looming, so everyone came in and packed up at 11.

At the end everyone was pretty cold but felt as high as a kite (hilarious pun)! We returned to Exeter in tact which made the whole thing a success!

A kite a day keeps the doctor away (medical fact)


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