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Biggest Dudes hit up Exetah

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The Biggest Dudes gathered in Gandy’s. Snapbacks, wife beaters, Kelly hair, ex-girlfriend’s names tattoos, “no ragrets” tattoo, condom necklace, and blown up condom over a guy’s head all represented.


When the dudes trouped over to Mosaic, they did not know that what was awaiting them was not a spacious dancefloor to massacre but rather a 2 hour queue to go upstairs and a bunch of exetahrians in suits and cocktail dresses. Billy won the Biggest Dude award for his excellent dude attitude, insisting we ask Mosaic for more free booze, his condom necklace, and chest hair. This meant he got to pop the champagne bottle open and have the first gulp. After the free champagne, drunk with great class straight from the bottle, and some upside down twerking competitions (which cycling won thanks to Stu’s newly acquired skills), the dudes thought “screw Mosaic, we’re hitting up EX4!”

The locals watched as the dudes took on the EX4 pole. Tom Fyfe showed us his incredible upside down pole skills and everyone had a go at twirling around the pole in sexy and cringy ways. The dudes used their guns to give that pole a run for its money.


The dudes proceeded to have a boogie on the EX4 dancefloor before all splitting up to dominate over EX4, Mosaic, Arena, and Subway. We do not know where the Dudes all ended up. Rumours are that some inter-society mingling happened and some dudes retreated to each other’s houses for post-dude sesh cuddles. We do know that the Dudes came, they saw, and conquered Exeter nightlife.

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