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Nando's Dinner- Take 2

nand0's 2.jpg

Another admirable piece of Windrider art.

At close analysis one may note that all the chicken is gone. The fro-yo is not yet in Dan's coke glass and has not yet mixed with the coke to create a disgusting coloured coke milkshake, the salad sauce bottle has already been emptied by Tash to alleviate the spicyness of her "lemon and herb" chicken, potential cross-dress costumes for End of Season Dinner have already been discussed (putting wide smiles on everyone's faces), Geordie has already said "say Cheeky Nando's" to widen those smiles even more (!) to increase the radness of the picture, most of Windriders have already not showed up because they all had exams, half of the people who came to Nando's have not yet ditched the last Windriders standing who have not yet gone to Monkey Suit to be greeted by a highly inebriated celebrating Liv dancing around the tables, and they have not yet seen Annie and wished her a Happy Birthday.

Whoever said that a picture is worth a thousand words was incredibly right. We smashed Nando's Take 2, even though most people had exams, and we can't wait to be reunited with the entire gang!

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