It was a sunny day in Exmouth when Windriders went banana boating, making for some optimum banana riding. We rode the inflatable bananas until we were all in the ocean, until we’d mastered sitting on shoulders, balancing standing on each side of the banana, riding backwards, walking from one end of the banana to the other, and various other acrobatic impressive manoevers all while the bananas were gliding rapidly on the water.
Some first timers even got off the bananas now claiming that they were pro banana boat riders.
By the time we’d finished, all the AU dinner hangovers had disappeared, even Geordie’s master hangover.
Christina took one for the team and came out of the water with a pretty big red/blue bruise on the bottom of her cheek.
But we all came out in one piece and after some non-successful tanning (Dan did bring his factor 10 tanning oil hoping English weather would be kinder) we all headed back to shore where 14 Windriders went on to have the loosest night yet in the mighty town of Exmouth… who would’ve known that was possible… you’ll have to ask the people who went for more details.
Banana boating happened on Exewake’s new barge in the middle of the estuary, which they imported from Holland (pretty cool), that looks like a boat, and that will soon be accompanied by inflatable trampolines and slides on the water so we can all look forwards to a lot more socials happening there next year!
One thing is sure is that summer’s finally arrived and we can’t wait for the madness that is to come in the next 2 weeks! This is only the beginning…