Aussie Kiss has been described as the best weekend of a lot of peoples lives.. an understatement I’m sure. But what happened.. ..
Many wish they could remember, many wish they could forget and some will never know. The weekend has been pieced together below..
After a smooth ride on Friday night we arrived in Bude and settled into the 5 (minus 3) star accommodation. After eyeing up the the competition from the likes of Liverpool and Southampton and billy making a meal for 10, everyone decided to grab a drink and all get in 1 caravan, an impossible task you might have thought? Yes yes it was, thank god our very own disk jockey Quadras was waiting for us in the club. All Weak at the knees by the site of the DJ there was nothing left to do but discard our t-shirts and disregard our morals some even overlooked their bladder warnings.
Wake up on Saturday morning at 7.30 am came as a terrible surprise to many, but with unlimited bacon sandwiches and red bull, tom managed to return from his trip to Bude and Geordie and Henry managed to change their pants.
The Windsurf and Party groups split off for the day, windsurfers to the lake where the wind was blowing for us, and party people to westwood ho! for kiting and cuddling. Despite the very wet weather wetsuits were donned and after all kit was rigged and 8 man paddle boards inflated all 26 of us got out on the water.. A November miracle!! The day provided a lot of entertainment for all, many and a number of lessons were learnt..
1. Never run in mud
2. Don’t rig a 7m if you can’t tac
3. How to front loop (theory only)
Meanwhile at Westwood Ho! an explicit photo-shoot ft Ed was on going.. unfortunately the results of the shoot have been lost RIP Olympus OMD EM5.
After a trip to the Morrison’s freezer aisle, all caravans were garnished with pizza, garlic bread and kimonos and even more culinary sensations could be seen from billy and crump10’s honeymoon suite.
Saturday night saw a large group of geishas challenge and defeat Liverpool to a 16 man water* bong, drink water* from a selection of root vegetables, throw all the shapes on the list and dance on the roof of some other uni's vehicle and create a fireworks display for all attendees!
On sunday we awoke as different people, Ellie had become a year older, Teddy wigless and Geordie with a dry mattress. Even more miracles! After forcing the allumni to cough up for all the cleaning products in the campsite shop, we did all we could to remove the smell
from caravan 68.. unfortuently there's only so much rug doctor can do so we had to flee the scene. Windsurfers to the even windier lake, and party people to the wery wavy wake park.
At the lake, people were a little more reluctant to go out on the water however everyone was very excited to cheered for nick in the freestyle competitions and for Sam in the rescue boat (no harm done). It was a very exciting day..Nick was throwing tricks left right and
centre, he was so excited that he didn’t even notice he made into the final (we’re sure he would have come back with Gold silly nick), Dan reignited his love for windsurfing and Ellie had the best birthday ever.
So after the prize giving and de-rigging a lot of very very muddy kit we all rolled back to Exeter, with lots of stories to not tell our mums and dads
Water, Wind and Weally good times
*any substance but water