If you are in a complete tizz about work and have therefore deleted Facebook and all other means of communication in a futile attempt to stop procrastinating, we are here to help you (procrastinate, I mean). Here is an overview of our 2015-2016 committee, and the roles that they are soon to be passing on.
Once again, these are in no particular order (unless you consider 'fastest to get back to us, easiest to stalk for funny photos', or 'first info in my inbox' an order).
Our Wakeboard Captain, Jake Seabold:

'As Wakeboard Captain, I sort out trips, keep a long term stable relationship with the wake club owners [ (Sally and Ben- North Devon and New Forest respectively). Drivers must also be sorted out for the trips, and the AU must receive completed trip forms before every trip. The Captain basically needs to be someone who loves the sport, is pretty well organised and wants to see the club prosper, especially in terms of wakeboarding.'
"You make your own luck" "Work hard, play hard" "Who's that sexy beast? Oh it's just my reflection" "You can never be overdressed, or over educated"
Our Windsurfing Captain, Sam Chapman:

'What does my job entail? Organisation of lessons, trips, swa events and our own plymex event. Some knowledge of windsurfing and most importantly kit would be incredibly helpful in this role. Maintaining a good relationship with liquid motion, and pretending you’re ok with being pushed in at the end of a beginner lesson when really you couldn’t hate the culprits more.'
Our Kitesurf Captain, Dan Powell:

'As kiting captain, the majority of the work I do involves praying that when a lesson is planned, there is actually wind (a very tricky task, I'm sure you'll agree). Besides planning lessons, I also need to plan all kitesurfing weekends away, and make sure people are safe on and off the water. On weekends, the entertainment is to be planned by me if there is no wind ('sluttycat' optional). Kit is a big part of the job too, and I need to make sure that kit is accessible to everyone, especially when Crumpton hears that we have new kit. Any questions feel free to drop me a message!'
Our Windsurf Vice-Captain, Annie Shuttleworth:

'This role is to help/ advise / control and love the windsurf captain whoever they may be.. You will be co in charge of organising weekly lessons for club members, this means getting everyone interested, keeping regular contact with liquid motion and maintaining our fond friendship with the guys. SWA events run throughout the year and you need to ensure attendance and a REALLY GOOD TIME, as well as organising the kit and transport for them. Aussie kiss takes a lot of work but it’s the best weekend ever so it’s 100% worth it! Kit also needs to be looked after and kept happy, but it’s easy to get on with! It’s a great role for someone who wants to get into the sport more and get up close and personal with the captain…'
Our Media Secretary, Katrina Williamson:

'Media Sec is in charge gathering footage and photos and to publish on Facebook and the website to keep club members and sponsors involved with what’s going on. Ideally we want one edit a term and a final one at the end of the year to sum up the shenanigans. Media sec is also in charge of designing posters and flyers, and keeping the website up to date. Would recommend having a camera and a gopro that actually work when you want them to...
A great media sec will be a little involved in every element of the club, so that each sport is represented fairly.'
Our Social Secretaries, Teddy Childs and Tash Parker:

'This position will challenge your organisation, social ability and tolerance of drunk people. If you feel you can cope with this, then you’re certainly in the correct place. Rain or shine you’ll have to guide members around the ex strip.
Working alongside (controlling/leading/loving) Tash I have encountered many difficulties. Mainly, the fact that you can’t find her in a crowd but, can always hear her. Personally social secing, over the past year, has been a rollercoaster, to say the least. Mostly and, I can’t stress this enough, I’ve come to realise how rewarding a role like this is.'

My job has basically been to keep you all alive and happy, like any crazy drama teacher who has to keep her class in one piece and make sure that they don’t traumatise the local community with excessive nudity. One great aspect of the role is that you get a partner in crime/ minion/ slave. Each social sec will have a different style and strengths, but the idea is to keep Windriders the warm welcoming club that everybody knows it is, and to make an effort to make every single person know that they are welcome.'
Our General Secretary, Kate Farmer:

'One of the main roles is writing the weekly emails, where you will need to include top banter and vet spelling mistakes from your engineering colleagues. You will also need to organise the club stash, so you will have to be able to write personable emails and have an eye for the colour palette! The second major part of your job will be to organise an epic Windriders trip.
Other than that, you’re free to mess around and have a go at all the sports without feeling the need to be good. Thank God. You can also take other responsibilities upon yourself at will, like calming down ‘loose’ behaviour at committee dinners or dishing out excessively cynical comments.
Pretty good fun all round to be honest… Get involved!'
Our Club Captian, Billy Parr:

'As Club Captain my job is to oversee the sporting side of the club. I’m essentially the first line of support for the Kite, Windsurf and Wakeboard Captains. Another of my responsibilities is to implement one off projects or help organise events that do not fall under the club’s day to day activities. These jobs vary from helping the Windsurf Captains to organise PlymExe, applying for funding to buy equipment, helping the secretary organise a holiday. Finally, this role involves the management of sponsors, ensuring that the club uses it’s industry ties effectively to help the club development. The Job is hugely rewarding and I’d encourage anyone to run, especially if you have been part of the club for a few years or have been on a wide range of trips.'
And finally, our Club President, Geordie Baxter:

'As President I oversee the entire club. Day to day this entails a fair amount of general admin, holding committee meetings and generally ensuring we do all we can to make the club what it is to you now. It greatly helps to have had experience on the committee, but not essential as the hand-over period provides plenty of time to get to grips with it all. Being in this position, it puts a big smile on your face seeing club members progress and weekend trips end without mishap!'