Windriders is still a relatively new AU club, a rad toddler amongst the lame geriatrics such as rugby and hockey, but since the beginning three years ago we have been going from strength to strength. Although this year is far from over yet, we are unbelievably excited to get started on the next stage.
The atmosphere in our AGM on Tuesday night was a mixture of nerves and excitement, with prosecco bottles being popped and quite a few trembling hands. Whilst the committee in no way represents the whole core of Windriders, being on committee is a huge responsibilty and privilege, so naturally we had a lot of people willing to put themselves forward to give back to the club. We (sort of) respectfully listened to all of the incredible speeches, and even watched a few videos, an edit, and a slideshow presentation that I know a lot of people really want to get their hands on.
Finally the votes were cast and our future decided.
We know you’re as excited as we are (you voted for these weirdos after all), so take a look at your 2016-2017 Committee!
Club President: Annie Shuttleworth
Time with Windriders: 2 years of living life to the xtreme
Favourite Windrider sport? Windsurfing
Favourite Windrider Memory? Rock 2k15. All of it...Apart from the mackerel fishing that was terrible.
Best chat up line? 'Pizza is my second favourite thing to eat in bed.'
Club Captain: Teddy Childs
Time with Windriders: 2 years
Favourite Windrider sport? Kitesurfing
Favourite Windrider Memory? Ellie 4eva
Best chat up line? I don't need a pick up line bae.
Kite Captain: Max Robinson
Time with Windriders: Windriders fresher
Favourite Windrider sport? Kitesurfing obvs
Favourite Windrider Memory? SKA with stolen chickens and slutty cat!
Best chat up line? I'm not allowed to chat up women I'm in a functional relationship with my surfboard.
Wake Captain: Henry Dawson
Time with Windriders: Windriders fresher.
Favourite Windrider sport? Wakeboarding ofc
Favourite Windrider Memory? Anything I remember from SKA or Ak or any of the socials most are quite hazy I do apologise.
Best chat up line? 'Did you just fart? Because you blew me away.'
Windsurf Captain: Adam Palmer
Time with Windriders: 2 years
Favourite Windrider sport? Windsurfing
Favourite Windrider Memory? Jumping off dawlish dozen train at wrong stop to paint it purple, generally prescribing j bombs as solutions to most problems, happiest when sea-weeding.
Best chat up line?"Like, I mean, you're a 6 but your personality makes you a solid 8.5"
Windsurf Vice Captain: Sam Watson
Time with Windriders: 2 years.
Favourite Windrider sport? Windsurfing
Favourite Windrider Memory? Djing aussie kiss and getting flashed by half of Exeter
Best chat up line? "Blink if you want to have sex with me."
Treasurer: Charlotte Robins
Time with Windriders: 2 fabulous years.
Favourite Windrider sport? Windsurfing and wakeboarding
Favourite Windrider Memory? Hmm tricky... Nottingham Swa last year had to be a highlight and dawlish dozen with my broken foot.
Best chat up line? I don't need a pick up line I have my eyes. ;)
General Secretary: Becky Parry
Time with Windriders: SInce the dawn of Windriders (3 years)
Favourite Windrider sport? Windsurfing and wakeboarding
Favourite Windrider Memory? Bunkhouse parties with the stolen chickens at SKA weekend.
Best chat up line? 'I wish I was your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves.'
Social Secretaries: Louis Hamblett and Kitty Stevenson
Time with Windriders: 2 years but away this year.
Favourite Windrider sport? Modelling the stash.
Favourite Windrider Memory? Anything involving a chicken...
Best chat up line? Chat up line? I just stalk girls till they love me.
P.S. Louis may or may not have been unavailable for comment and so these answers may or may not be completely fictional because he didn't get back to us in time and we're mean like that. However they may also be direct quotes.
Time with Windriders: One fab year
Favourite Windrider sport? Wakeboarding
Favourite Windrider Memory? Aussie Kiss (my carrot straw was the best).
Best chat up line? 'Roses are red, violets are fine, you be the 6 and I'll be the 9.'
Media Secretary: Harriet Ashworth
Time with Windriders: Windrider Fresher
Favourite Windrider sport? Windsurfing.
Favourite Windrider Memory? 'Dancing to elvis whilst night windsurfing at exmouth/getting my first dockstart whilst hanging off £5 cava.'
Best chat up line? 'If you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple.'
The wonderful thing about Windriders is that whether you are on committee or not, every member of this club loves it and wants it to continue to get better, bigger and if possible, even more insane. We know that you will all support the new committee as much as you have us (you still have to by the way, we’re not leaving yet).
Much love shred monkeys, xxx